Social & Community News
26 September 2023

Whether you have a private medical aid or rely on the public healthcare system, are you happy with the options available in South Africa? 

Are you happy with the healthcare options in SA?
NO: 91% YES: 9%

No, I’m dissatisfied. Particularly due to the poor care I experienced at a specific public hospital on three separate occasions. I encountered poor service, unprofessional treatment from staff, insufficient resources, a shortage of medical personnel, and inadequate building maintenance.
Kedibone Bashir
No, I’m not. The healthcare system in our country leaves much to be desired. Our clinics and public hospitals often face shortages of medicine. It’s the lower-income groups that suffer the most due to the lack of equity in healthcare. The government needs to take action to ensure that everyone, including the less privileged, benefits.
Danny Moreo 


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