Headline News
01 July 2024

Rustenburg – In a tragic incident on Wednesday 26 June 2024, two construction contractor employees lost their lives while working on a construction site at Keystone Milling, a local maize production company. 

The contractors were in the process of building an approximate five-meter-high wall as part of a project when the structure unexpectedly collapsed, fatally trapping both men beneath the rubble.
Emergency services were promptly alerted to the scene. Personnel from Eagle Trauma Rescue, the Rustenburg Fire Department, and local police arrived swiftly to assist with the situation. Despite their rapid response, they could not be saved.

The general manager of Keystone Milling, Thehan Uys, expressed his profound sorrow over the incident. “We are deeply saddened by this tragic event. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families of the contractors,” he said.

An investigation into the cause of the wall’s collapse is ongoing.

The recent construction site tragedy in George highlighted safety factors involved and the legal requirements regarding construction sites. Now nearly two months later, the exact cause of the George tragedy has not yet been determined.

Photo: The collapsed wall where the tragic incident occurred. Emergency service personnel carefully removed the bricks and rubble to reach the bodies.

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