Headline News
21 June 2024

Rustenburg – In Rustenburg, a remarkable coalition exists, dedicated to safeguarding our community. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we need to pause and recognise the tireless efforts of those who protect us. Working together with them strengthens our community.

Thank you to the South African Police Services (SAPS), Community Police Forum (CPF), Rustenburg Crime Combatting Forum, Wesalarms, Fidelity ADT, Arena Outdoor Security, Buffel Sekuriteit, Rustenburg Landelike Diens, and several others. Thank you for your unwavering commitment and for making Rustenburg a safer place for everyone – especially to the community groups, who do this in their own time and at their own cost.

Security groups, whether private or not, bridge the gap between the community and the police, ensuring every resident’s voice is heard and every concern addressed.

Gerhard Jansen van Vuuren, vice chairperson of CPF Sector 2, sheds light on the often unseen efforts of the CPF: “We are the eyes and ears for the Rustenburg SAPS, working in the shadows to keep our community safe. Every member, whether a chairperson or a volunteer, plays a crucial role in this mission. We are here to support both the community and the SAPS.”

The roots of the CPF in Rustenburg trace back to 2007, born from a collaborative initiative between the police department and the Staan Saam Rustenburg organisation. Marcus Haasbroek, CPF Executive Committee’s acting executive chairperson, reflects on its humble beginnings: “Over the years, CPF has grown into a vital pillar of our community’s safety framework.”

Brigadier Selala Pheto, station commander of Rustenburg SAPS, expressed his deep gratitude for the collaborative efforts: “We genuinely appreciate the relentless efforts and invaluable contributions of our private security partners, and all community safety groups in reducing crime in Rustenburg. Your dedication and hard work are vital to making our community safer.”

The collaboration shows what can be achieved when a community and its protectors work hand in hand. Their combined efforts not only deter crime but also foster a sense of trust and security.

South African Police Services (SAPS)
Rustenburg SAPS Radio Control Centre: 014 590 4115/ 6/ 7
Rustenburg SAPS Community Service Centre: 014 590 4126/ 27/ 39
SAPS Boitekong: 
014 593 6001/6002/ 6003
SAPS Emergency (cell phones only): 112
SAPS Marikana: 
014 572 8600/8601/ 8602
SAPS Rustenburg: 
014 590 4115/4116/ 4117
SAPS Tlhabane: 
014 565 9154
SAPS CrimeStop: 10111

Community Police Forum (CPF) 
Sector 1: 071 553 5199
Sector 2: 076 475 3268
Sector 3: 083 459 7125
Sector 4: 065 504 6036
Sector 5: 065 504 6036

Rustenburg Crime Combatting Forum
074 327 3041

014 592 8364

Fidelity ADT
086 121 2501

Arena Outdoor Security
087 815 0730
071 741 1272

Buffel Sekuriteit and Rustenburg Landelike Diens
076 344 2469

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