Headline News
01 June 2018

Rustenburg – People from all over South Africa are opening their hearts and wallets to raise funds for little Mihla of Rustenburg who was diagnosed with CNS embryonal neoplasm, stage four brain cancer.

This rare form of cancer, the diagnosis of which is a devastating shock to Mihla’s parents, Rudo and Shani Engelbrecht, is known as neuroblastoma and can only be treated successfully in the USA.

Shani has dropped everything, including her job, in order to devote all her time and energy on saving the life of this once bubbly girl, who has now gone bald due to regular chemotherapy sessions.

Her parents have endured an emotional and energy-sapping experience since the diagnosis. It is difficult for them to take Mihla through the numbing medical processes and neurosurgical operations. As Mihla got wheeled from theatre to theatre her parents waited with abated breath.

They, like many, would like to see Mihla’s blonde hair grow back one day. They need your contributions to change  Mihla’s life, so that, like all girls, she could one day get married and live a normal life.
Mihla was diagnosed at age three. 

Many Good Samaritans have since then launched fundraising campaigns for this little fighter. One such commendable initiative was held on 26 May, hosted by Hedgehog’s Nest, Rustenburg, which attracted artists such as Jay, Monique Steyn, Dewald Wasserfall and Jakkie Louw.

Mihla has undergone surgery and had a near total resection of the tumour. Multi-agent chemotherapy was proposed to allow Mihla to be at least five years old before receiving full brain and spinal radiation. 

Her current protocol ends on 19 December this year. After the chemo, they will be travelling to New Jersey. Mihla’s accommodation is confirmed at the Ronald McDonald Charity house in New Jersey, and all treatments must be paid in full before any work could commence.

 “Our hearts are full of hope and we trust that Mihla will be going to Grade 1 in 2020. We will also continue with our fundraisers and marketing of the Mihla Charity Trust, to give hope to families that have to go through similar scenarios.” Shani said in an interview with the Platinum Weekly.

To follow this brave ray of sunshine’s road to recovery, like her Facebook page: MIHLA TRUST. For more information, contact 079-268 5209 or visit

Photo: Mihla at Hedgehog’s Nest


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