Headline News
04 May 2018

Rustenburg – A family whose car was hijacked with their child inside heaved a sigh of relief when their child was found in the abandoned car in Tlhabane, eight hours after the incident on Saturday, 28 April.

The mother of the child was driving past Tlhabane in the direction of Phokeng when she stopped at the traffic light. She was pulled out of her car by the hijacker who was not aware of the 18-month baby in the car.

According to police spokesperson captain Elsabè Augoustides, the hijacker drove a few blocks away when he realised there was a child in the car. He abandoned the vehicle and fled.

Photos of the child were circulated immediately, and a search was conducted by the police.

“Fortunately, the baby was found and re-united with her mother,” captain Augoustides said. She thanked the community for their help.   

Family reunited with their baby.


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