Headline News
19 January 2018

Rustenburg – A man was shot and killed during a security incident that took place at Royal Bafokeng Platinum on Wednesday evening, 10 January at around 20h30 at its North Shaft, just outside Rustenburg. 

More than 100 protestors – including former employees and unknown persons – attempted to gain unlawful access to the shaft’s premise. The premise was locked and secured by mine security personnel.

“As a last resort, and to prevent damage to property and injury to mine personnel, mine security sought to disperse the crowd, using rubber bullets and paint-balls. During the course of the incident, an individual within the crowd was shot and killed by live ammunition. Based on preliminary evidence, including video footage, it is believed that the shooting was from within the group of protestors. The deceased was not employed by RBPlat. The company extends its condolences to the family of the deceased, and is in contact with his family to offer its support,” Royal Bafokeng Platinum’s press release reads. 

An investigation into the incident has begun and a post mortem of the deceased will be undertaken, and is now under police investigation. 

During the incident, the protestors set fire to a conveyor belt of which approximately 200m was destroyed. A boom gate and a guard house were also damaged. No other damages to property or injuries to mine employees, were reported. 

“The protest by community members stems from the dismissal of 14 employees by the company in December 2017, following unprotected industrial action (including threatening other employees and damage to property) that ensued when services to a number of homes in the nearby Waterkloof Estate were erroneously suspended by the local municipality. These issues have been dealt with repeatedly by the company with community members since December 2017 in a number of forums, and the company assisted in resolving the delivery of services, even though this was not within its remit,” Royal Bafokeng Platinum reports. 

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