Headline News
12 January 2018

Rustenburg – The community of Rustenburg suffered a huge blow when the Staan Saam Rustenburg house at the Cynthiana Hotel burned down on Saturday, 16 December.

A loss of all donations, food and clothing, which were destined to be handed out over the festive period to the less fortunate in the community, went up in flames. 

Fire Services were on scene to douse the flames. All clothing and food which could be salvaged out of the ashes were donated to the Rustenburg SPCA as these were deemed unfit for human consumption. From amongst the ashes a Bible was discovered, untouched by the flames. 

“We are devastated by the loss, yet, we will become stronger in our pursuit to make a difference in our community. Staan Saam Rustenburg will rise like the phoenix from the ashes and we will continue to make a difference in the lives of so many. We take great comfort in the knowledge that we are blessed and will manage to keep up the work we have to do for our people of Rustenburg,” says Naomi Pasino, founder of Staan Saam Rustenburg.

The Staan Saam Rustenburg house, ruined by fire.


Sorting through the debris of ash.


Carlo Pasino, director of Staan Saam Rustenburg, shows a Bible untouched by fire found in the ashes.


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