Social & Community News
15 July 2024

Rustenburg – In a heartfelt initiative to combat addiction, two local community members have formed a group called Friends to Addicts.

Based in Rustenburg, Friends to Addicts is dedicated to helping individuals break free from the chains of addiction. Founded by two passionate individuals who juggle full-time jobs, this group is committed to finding, rehabilitating, and reintegrating addicts into society.

Friends to Addicts operates with a foundation in Kingdom Culture and Biblical principles. The group collaborates with Ruach Adonai Ministries and Breakfree rehab centres, working hand-in-hand to ensure comprehensive support for those in need. Additionally, the Rustenburg Transformation Centre (RTC), a local non-profit company (NPC), provides vital support to this transformative endeavour.

Join them on this journey of healing and transformation. For more information or to get involved, contact Friends to Addicts at 083 308 3540 or 082 421 8480, or email them at Together, let’s bring hope and a new beginning to those struggling with addiction.

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