Social & Community News
19 June 2024

Rustenburg – MôreSter Child and Youth Care Centre recently welcomed a 7-year-old child into their care. In May 2024, the child was hospitalised and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, a condition that developed over time. Currently, the child relies on the Accu-Chek instant meter to monitor her blood sugar levels. The centre receives insulin from Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital. However, a recent change in the type of insulin has made it challenging to stabilise the child’s condition.

Helen Lotz, the director of MôreSter, shared their struggle: “We are diligently following the doctors’ guidance to stabilise the child’s insulin levels through diet. But what we urgently need now is a blood sugar monitor to accompany the child to school.”

MôreSter is reaching out to the community for assistance. If you can help by donating a blood sugar monitor or in any other way, please contact Helen Lotz at 082 460 8418.

Banking details for donations:
MôreSter Child and Youth Care Centre
Standard Bank
Savings account
Account number: 101 572 62691
Branch code: 051001

Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the life of this young child. Let’s come together as a community to support MôreSter in their mission to provide the best care possible.

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