Social & Community News
19 June 2024

As Father’s Day approaches, I find myself reflecting deeply on the profound impact fathers have on their children. Research consistently supports that fathers play a crucial role in the development and wellbeing of their kids, often leaving an indelible mark that shapes their future.

In my own life, this truth resonates deeply. Growing up, I respected my mother immensely, but when my father spoke, I was all ears. There was an unspoken understanding and a profound respect that his words commanded. This dynamic, I believe, is echoed in many families, and it underscores the unique influence fathers hold.

Today, as a father myself, I carry these lessons with me. I am acutely aware that my words and actions are shaping my children’s character and future choices. This awareness drives me to treat my wonderful wife with the utmost respect and to make a conscious effort to spend quality time with my family. We strive to disconnect from the distractions of cellphones and electronic devices, even if it’s just for a little while, because it’s the quality of the time that truly matters.

I miss my Dad every day. He passed away about four years ago, but his lessons remain with me. He taught me how to ride a bicycle, how to stand up for myself, and when to choose my battles. He was there to help me with my homework when my mom was at her wit’s end. I wasn’t a troublesome child, but I definitely kept my parents on their toes.

To all the fathers out there, I want to remind you of the incredible role you play in your children’s lives. You are their heroes, their role models, even if you don’t feel perfect. It’s not about perfection; it’s about being present, loving, and supportive and to reprimand when needed. Your impact is immeasurable.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who strive to be the best they can be.

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