Social & Community News
19 June 2024

North West – The provincial commissioner of the North West, lieutenant general Sello Kwena, accompanied by the deputy provincial commissioners and district commissioners, conferred ranks to 13 newly appointed station commanders. The conferment ceremony took place on Friday 10 May 2024, at the South African Police Service (SAPS) provincial office in Potchefstroom.

Among the newly appointed Station Commanders, we highlight two distinguished officers from our community.

Lieutenant colonel Christina Selina Obakeng Letsatsi, Swartruggens 

Lieutenant colonel Letsatsi has been appointed as the station commander of Swartruggens. With an impressive 33 years of service and a diploma in policing, she brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her new role. Lieutenant colonel Letsatsi emphasised the importance of strengthening the Community Police Forum (CPF), recognising that police cannot combat crime alone. “We need community support and other stakeholders’ engagement,” she stated. 

Having begun her police schooling in 1991, her career spans both education and training, marking her 33 years of committed service.

She expressed her hope that her promotion would inspire others to have passion in their work and to invite God into their endeavours. 

Captain Jacques Badenhorst, Boshoek

Captain Jacques Badenhorst has been appointed as the station commander of Boshoek. With 33 years of service and a diploma in policing, captain Badenhorst’s extensive career includes holding the position of warrant officer for over 26 years before his promotion to captain. He has been a dedicated member of the Boshoek station for the past nine years.

Captain Badenhorst is determined to enhance service delivery at his station, emphasising the need for improved work ethics among his officers. “To achieve dedicated service delivery, it means that members from the station and police officers will need to improve their work ethics. To me, discipline is the key aspect to achieve the desired result,” he stated. 

Despite his deep passion for his job, captain Badenhorst underscores the importance of his family, describing them as the cornerstone of his life. Reflecting on his long-awaited promotion, he shared, “All good things come to those who wait, do not give up. Keep the faith, I believe that God will bless you for your hard work and loyalty.”

The appointment of these ranks signifies a great milestone in the careers of lieutenant colonel Letsatsi and captain Badenhorst, both of whom have demonstrated unwavering dedication to their duties and their communities. Their leadership and commitment are expected to bring positive changes and reinforce the collaborative efforts needed to ensure safety and security in their respective areas.

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