Social & Community News
13 July 2018

Rustenburg – Darren Archer (31) is not about to give up on his ambition to one day take the Mr Deaf South Africa title home, come Saturday 13 October when the MDSA gala evening will be staged at the Atterbury Theatre in Lynnwood, Pretoria.

Darren works as a CCTV administrator for Rustenburg Steel Construction and comes from Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape.

Already, Darren has the Mr Deaf Charity award and is now pinning his hopes on taking the rest as he prepares himself.

“It took me a while to reconsider to enter again and it was because of the incredible support I received that I decided to enter again. I have learnt more about deaf culture and the deaf community and how SASL to be the 12th official language is important. I'm feeling very positive and excited about this year's MDSA,” he said.

For donations and sponsors, Darren can be contacted on:

Darren Archer
Vote for Darren: SMS “MDS 13” to 47439. (R3.00 per SMS)


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