Social & Community News
08 June 2018

North West – The North West Department of Economic and Enterprise Development is implementing a massive programme aimed at creating awareness and enforcing liquor laws in the villages, township and small dorpies areas.

The programme came following the report by the World Health Organization (WHO) which found that South Africa is rated the highest in terms of alcohol and abuse, especially among young people.

 “The main cause is peer pressure, boredom and ignorance of alcohol harms. We are concerned about the rate in which our young people are abusing alcohol, hence we have developed a joint liquor programme together with the relevant stakeholders to introduce the harmful effects of alcohol abuse which includes social responsibility programme, roadshows, educational school lectures and compliance inspections,” Onnica Sithole, chief director of Business Regulation, said. “These kinds of interventions will be able to minimise alcohol consumption and change their drinking behaviour.”

She said the department in partnership with South African Police Service (SAPS) and local liquor traders has recently brought hope and smile to the vulnerable families through a social responsibility programme.

The week-long programme was concluded with a compliance inspection where a total number of 29 liquor outlets in the North-West province were visited.

Approximately ten outlets were found to be in contravention of the Liquor Act 29, of 1989 as amended with offences ranging from managing liquor outlet without proper documentation, selling liquor beyond trading hours, several bottle stores were selling liquor on Sundays.  One tavern and two bottle stores were closed for selling takeaways and operating on Sunday respectively.

Members of SAPS paying a visit to one of the liquor outlets to enforce compliance with the liquor laws.


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