Social & Community News
15 June 2018

Rustenburg – Cell C PowerStation Rustenburg and Cell C Phokeng, hosted their 16th Take a Girl Child to Work Day on 24 May. The project is part of Cell C’s flagship Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programme.

According to regional channel consultant Alex Isaacs, it is rapidly becoming one of the important, life-changing days for schoolgirls around the country.

The programme is aimed at exposing Grade 10 to 12 learners, to a day in a professional workplace, thereby showcasing the infinite career opportunities and choices available. Cell C’s project had enjoyed unrivalled success as a platform, to address the needs and aspirations of high school girls.

“As part of the facts that detail the development and relevance of Cell C’s Take a Girl Child to Work Day, this initiative has had a powerful impact on the lives of more than one million girls thus far,” said Alex.

Cell C also encourages other companies to register their participation on the Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work Day website.

The development and empowerment of young women are at the heart of Cell C’s corporate structure and corporate social investment initiatives.
Inspiring young girls… From left: Jabulile Makgala, consultant; Alex Isaacs, regional consultant; and Tebogo Diloane, store manager.


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