Social & Community News
20 April 2018

Rustenburg – Supra Mahumapelo, the Premier of North West and Mpho Khunou, the Executive Mayor of Rustenburg, visited the Rustenburg IJTIMA on Friday 2 April.

IJTIMA is an Islamic congregation organised by Islamic organisations in association with millions of Muslims. It is an essential part of the Tablighi Jamaat around the world as it plays a significant role on the lives of Muslims, and a huge number of people engage in Ijtema. The event is also celebrated in many countries.

From left: Baba Saloojee; Ofentse Kombe, MMC of local economic development; a TIT member; Karani Mohammed; TIT member; MMC Lucky Kgaladi; MMC Mike Mhlungu; Premier Supra Mahumapelo; the Executive Mayor of Rustenburg, cllr. Mpho Khunou; and two TIT members.


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