Social & Community News
20 April 2018

NW – Farmers in the Bojanala Platinum District are bracing themselves for a double dose of natural attacks on their crops and livestock.

In just one month, the warning lights are flashing again. Firstly, it was the Fall Army Worm (FAW) and this time it is the dreaded Bird Flu.

In a statement to the media, the Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development (READ) confirmed that parts of the Bokone Bophirima province have been hit by an outbreak of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) commonly known as Bird Flu.

The statement read: “two of the outbreaks are in Madibeng (in Bojanala Platinum District) and one in Maquassie Hills.

One of the outbreaks involving commercial flock involves quails that are hatched, grown and slaughtered on the farm. The second outbreak in Madibeng involved wild ducks that were kept domestically as pets for recreational reasons. The two outbreaks are within a vicinity of less than 10km of each other. The third outbreak was detected in a semi commercial farm in Maquassie Hills.”

According to the statement, the farms and plots affected have been put under quarantine and the terms of the quarantine explained to the owners. The owners have been advised on bio-security measures that were to be taken to prevent spreading of the virus to neighbouring houses by humans and also by faeces of affected birds. They have also been advised to secure bird enclosures with bird nets to prevent wild birds from entering them.

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