Social & Community News
06 April 2018

Rustenburg/ Mooinooi –Grace Help Centre, which provides for the needs of abused women and children, received a gesture of goodwill from Hirsch Strubens Valley whose initiative has brought joy and comfort to the care centre.

Hirsch’s initiated the drive whereby the students of Trinity House Preparatory School in Little Falls, could enter a competition to see which class could collect the cuddliest toys.  Besides a collection of 169 toys, Hirsch and a team from Cloud Nine and Rest Assured (CNRA), also donated mattresses. 

Commending the efforts of children from Trinity House Little Falls Kassandra Strydom (principal) said:

“It is such a wonderful feeling to know that the children of Trinity House are made aware that there are so many children that are less fortunate than they are and that they are able to make a difference in their lives, as well as being able to give back to the community.”

Hirsch’s Strubens Valley Dorette Nel, public relations officer, described the mood of the children when receiving the toys as one of extreme excitement and a wonderful surprise.

Grace Help Centre has an occupancy rate of approximately 50 people who are housed and fed.  Education is provided for the children at local pre-schools and primary schools which currently provides for 26 of the children. The ages range from 3 years to grade R at pre-school and up to Grade
Rina van den Berg of Grace Help Centre expressed her heartfelt thanks to both companies as well as the school for this very generous gesture and added that any donation big or small, is always welcome and appreciated.  “What a wonderful surprise to our children, they are truly blessed!” she said. 

From left: Helen Kalpis and Rina vd Berg (Grace Help Centre), Adrienne Hadebe and Kassandra Strydom (Trinity House).
Prefects from Trinity House Little Falls during their visit to Grace Help Centre.


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