Social & Community News
28 March 2018

Rustenburg – The Democratic Alliance (DA) and community members from throughout Rustenburg got together on Saturday 3 March to clear away bushes and tidy up an unattended veld. Young and old supported this initiative.

The next clean-up campaign will be held on Saturday 7 April on the corner of Bosch and Molen streets and then on Saturday 5 May at the Donkerhoek graveyard in Geelhoutpark.

Anyone interested in joining the clean-up can contact Martha Lerm on 079-110 2087 or Theunis Peens on 084-645 6607.

Theunis Peens told the Platinum Weekly newspaper that the work and shared comradery of working towards a shared goal was a great experience: “It’s great to be able to join other people who share our passion and want to help clean our once beautiful town.”

Young and old supported the previous initiative on Saturday, 3 March; here is the industrious Mia Lerm.


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