Social & Community News
16 March 2018

Rustenburg – BirdLife Rustenburg will be hosting its March meeting on Monday, 19 March. The meeting (with a difference) will take the form of an ‘Owl Evening’. We will meet at the entrance to Kgaswane Nature Reserve at 18h15 for a 18h30 start. 

Following a short discussion, we will set off into the reserve with the express intention of locating some of our local nocturnal birds. 

Hopefully, these may include the following owls: Pearl Spotted Owlet, African Scops Owl, Southern White-Faced Owl, Western Barn Owl, Spotted Eagle Owl, and possibly even the Cape Eagle Owl.
We hope to also find Nightjars: Fiery Necked and Rufus Cheeked Nightjars; and the Spotted Thick Knee.

In previous years this event has been a great success and has attracted many members of the Rustenburg community. It will be great fun and will present a rare opportunity to view the reserve in a different light (pun intended!)

The Kgaswane Rangers will be on hand in order to escort us to areas normally not accessible to the general public. Normal entrance fees to the reserve will apply. We will endeavour to use as few vehicles as possible by means of ‘doubling up’. Tea and snacks will not be provided so you will need to bring along drinks and eats.

The event should conclude by 22h30.

Next on the calendar is the March outing: it will consist of a weekend trip to the Kgomo Kgomo floodplain. It will be held on the weekend of 23 March but unfortunately, due to space constraints, the outing has already been fully booked. 

For more information, on these or other future exciting events, contact Shaun on 083-702 1462.

Should you have an interest in birds, you will be made very welcome at our meetings or on the outings. Of course, we would also love to have you as a member. No prior knowledge whatsoever is necessary so come along, have a look and learn more about the wonderful world of birding.

If you have any birding topics to report or need help with identification of a bird (a picture will help) please feel free to contact our chairperson, Shaun McGillewie, on 083-702 1462. 

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