Social & Community News
16 February 2018

Rustenburg – BirdLife Rustenburg’s February meeting will be held, as usual, at the Rustenburg Methodist Church, c/o Brink and Schuurman streets, on 19 February, commencing at 19h00. Their annual general meeting will then be held. 

It is important for as many members (and visitors) as possible to attend this meeting. This is the event which sets the path that the club will follow over the coming year. Your input and suggestions are critical to the well-being of the club. It is also your chance to select the office bearers.

All are welcome with a donation of R20 for non-paid up members. Tea and snacks will be served after the meeting.

BirdLife Rustenburg’s February outing will be held on Saturday, 24 February. They will be concentrating on Highveld birds in the Koster area and their target bird for this outing is the Blue Crane.

They will meet at the BP Garage, Waterfall Mall, at 06h00 and will return home by 14h00. Bring along the usual drinks, snacks etc.

All are welcome to what should be a very productive outing. A donation of R20 is levied for non members. Take note: some of the roads may be a little rough and a vehicle with high ground clearance is advisable.

Should you wish to learn more about, participate in any of these events or if you have any birding topics to report or need help with identification of a bird (a picture will help), please feel free to contact BirdLife Rustenburg’s chairperson Shaun McGillewie, on 083-702 1462.

Green Winged Pytilia


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