Social & Community News
07 February 2018

According to the Automobile Association (AA) of South Africa on 29 January, international fuel prices shot up by as much as 36 cents a litre in January but were outshone by one of the strongest Rand performances in many months. 

As a result, South Africans can look forward to cheaper fuel prices in February. This is according to an unaudited month-end fuel price data released by the Central Energy Fund.International prices have risen by around 11 percent in a streak starting on 14 December 2017.

Fortunately for South Africans, the Rand / US dollar exchange rate has enjoyed a strengthening trend for almost as long, with the local currency accelerating its gains since the middle of January. The stronger Rand means petrol is set to drop by 32 cents a litre at month end, with diesel down by 17 cents, and illuminating paraffin by 20 cents.

Extracts of AA press release: 29 January 2018

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