Social & Community News
26 January 2018

Rustenburg – Taking care of our pets is a priority for most of us; they need us, their humans to take care of them. 

“Parvovirus, better known as ‘cat flu’ has reached epidemic proportions in the last few months in Rustenburg,” a facebook post of Bergbos Animal Clinic reads. The clinic has notified the public on different social media platforms of the threat our animals, mainly puppies, are facing. 

To curb this highly infectious virus, animals need to be vaccinated against this disease. Puppies need to be vaccinated at six, ten and twelve weeks of age. Symptoms of the virus include a loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhoea. 

The public is requested to get their pups vaccinated and to keep to their vaccination schedule to put an end to this virus.

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