Social & Community News
25 January 2018

Rustenburg – A deeply dismayed and concerned Pastor in the city is demanding answers from the management of Job Shimankana Tabane (JST) hospital, a government-owned institution, on why pastors may no longer pray for patients at the hospital. 

This policy was implemented by JST’s acting chief executive officer, doctor Bogosi Moagi on 19 July 2017. 

Pastor Joseph Marume of the Word and Power Ministries this week paid a visit to a member of his congregation to pray for the child’s health and was turned away by the night supervisor. He has been visiting and praying in the hospital on numerous occasions, after the date of prayer policy in 2017. This week was the first time Pastor Marume heard of the new regulation.

“No religious practitioners shall be permitted into patient care wards and units for purposes of praying for all patients or personnel,” a formal correspondence letter from the JST reads. 

The ban on prayers was instituted by hospital management after an incident with a pastor who had allegedly administered water to a patient in a prayer ritual. The patient later passed away.

Pastor Marume said in an interview with the Platinum Weekly newspaper: “I find it hard to accept this new policy. Family members of patients in my congregation request me to visit the patient, to council and pray with them. People need to hear the word of God, especially when they have been admitted to hospital. This policy now prevents us from comforting and helping our members. I will take this up with JST management, as we were never consulted on this new policy.” 

Dr Moagi could not be reached for comment on this issue.

The Job Shimankana Tabane (JST) hospital bans pastors from praying for patients.
Pastor Joseph Marume of Word and Power Ministries dismayed at the new policy.


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