Social & Community News
18 January 2018

After a nasty experience I would like warn other Rustenburg citizens to be more aware and vigilant when driving. 

On Monday morning, 15 January, at around 11h10, I was driving into town and turned into Boshoff street, stopping at the stop sign on the corner of Klopper street. 

In a flash, a man dived through my open (driver’s side) window of my vehicle… I presume in an attempt to grab my handbag, which was on the floor of the passenger side. Fortunately for me, he was unable to reach and possibly surprised by my reaction, he withdrew, disappearing as quickly as he had appeared. 

After this experience, which left me shook up and rattled, I would like to warn residents to be aware of driving with your windows open. This is difficult due to the obscene heat we have been experiencing lately. For the sake of safety, please open those windows just a crack and be aware of your surroundings at all times. 

Reader of Rustenburg 

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