Sport & School News
27 April 2018

Buffelspoort – Keen mountain biker Raymond Travers is hoping to find ‘the perfect monster’ at the ATKV Buffelspoort on Saturday, 2 June 2018 when he takes on his 4th consecutive FNB Magalies Monster MTB Classic.

“For the past three years I’ve always managed to do something wrong at this event,” admits Travers. “Whether you are doing the 35km or 70km event, it’s still a Monster. You need to train all three mountain biking triad of necessities which is fitness, strength and technical skills.  I am nowhere near a racing snake.  My only aim is to finish the ride with a smile.”

The FNB Magalies Monster MTB Classic celebrates its 16th anniversary this year.  Trail running enthusiasts are invited to join in on the action by taking on the 6th annual FNB Platinum Trail Run the next day on Sunday, 3 June.

For more information contact Stillwater Sports on 082-991 0045 or email 

Keen mountain biker Raymond Travers is hoping to find ‘the perfect monster’ at the ATKV Buffelspoort on Saturday, 2 June when he takes on his 4th consecutive FNB Magalies Monster MTB Classic.  Seen here:  Raymond Travers in action at the 2017 FNB Magalies Monster MTB Classic. Photo Credit: Jetline Action Photo


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