Crime & Accidents News
01 July 2024

Zinniaville/ Rustenburg – The police are actively investigating an armed robbery, murder, and hijacking following a brutal incident at the Zinniaville central business district (CBD) on Thursday 20 June 2024.

According to brigadier Sabata Mokgwabona, at approximately 06:10, as the bustling CBD was opening for the day, six suspects wearing balaclavas and gloves launched a coordinated attack. They disarmed two security guards of their shotguns, shooting and tragically killing one of the guards, a 35-year-old who had just started working in the area two weeks prior. 

Our sincerest condolences go out to his colleagues, family and friends.

The dreadful sequence of events
The incident began when an armed man appeared out of nowhere, pointing his gun at one of the security guards. Panic ensued as people waiting in line to enter the shops fled inside upon noticing the armed suspect. The gunman pursued them into one of the stores. The guard was ambushed by the suspects and had his weapon taken from him. The second security guard, hearing the gunshots, rushed to help but was shot twice by the attackers.

The deceased security guard, new to the Zinniaville CBD, had recently relocated to Rustenburg. His untimely death has left the community in shock and raised concerns about safety. The suspects continued their rampage, robbing a local businessman of his cellphones and an undisclosed amount of cash. Eyewitnesses suggest that the robbery was meticulously planned, as the suspects seemed to know that the businessman would be carrying a significant amount of money.

To make their escape, the suspects hijacked the businessman’s Toyota Hilux single cab, which was later found abandoned in Rustenburg North. Despite the swift recovery of the vehicle, no arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing. The residents are calling for enhanced security measures to prevent such tragic events from recurring.

The police urge anyone with information related to the incident to come forward and assist in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

Photo: The aftermath of the robbery and gruesome murder at the Zinniaville CBD on Thursday 20 June 2024.

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