Crime & Accidents News
03 June 2024

Tlhabane/ Rustenburg – On Tuesday 21 May 2024, human bones were discovered in the morning near Yizo Yizo Tlhabane Stadium. The remains were found in a drainage system flowing towards the industrial area.

Rustenburg SAPS communications officer Ofentse Mokgadi confirmed the incident, stating, “Yes, we can confirm the incident, and the police have registered an inquest case docket. It is alleged that a contractor was busy removing old drainage pipes when they spotted what appeared to be human bones, including a skull. Investigations are underway.”
Thlabane CPF chairperson Joyce Motswasele urged residents, “If you see anything unusual or suspicious, please report it to your local CPF or local police station.”
The discovery has prompted a thorough investigation to uncover the identity of the remains and the circumstances surrounding their presence.

Photo: A contractor discovered human bones near Tlhabane Stadium, prompting police investigation.

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