Crime & Accidents News
03 June 2024

Rustenburg – On Sunday 26 May 2024, in the early morning hours at approximately 04:00, five armed men carried out a robbery at the Olifantsnek Vulstasie.

Olifantsnek Vulstasie supervisor, Gian van den Berg, recounted the incident: “The alarms went off in the office and the security service phoned me. When I arrived, I noticed one of the cashiers was missing. The petrol attendants called me over and informed me that something was wrong in the shop. I asked security to send someone out because it was dark and early in the morning. When I got to the shop, I saw the doors were broken, cigarettes were stolen from the counter, and everything was scattered in front of the tills.”

Van den Berg then searched for the missing cashier, who eventually emerged from hiding. According to the manager, the cashier had refused to open the doors for the robbers, prompting them to break the glass and force their way in.

SAPS communications officer, Ofentse Mokgadi, confirmed the incident: “Yes, we can confirm that the police did attend the business robbery at the filling station. No arrests have been made thus far, and investigations are underway.”

The community is urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities as the search for the perpetrators continues.

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