Crime & Accidents News
20 May 2024

Rustenburg – A distressing farm attack occurred early Wednesday morning at approximately 01:00, 15 May 2024, on a smallholding in Rietfontein, just outside Rustenburg. Five assailants, including three who appeared to be very young, forcibly entered a home after cutting through the perimeter fencing.

The lone resident, a male homeowner, reported that the intruders used a wrench and a belt to break through the burglar bars and gain access to his residence. Armed with pangas, the suspects proceeded to tie up and assault the victim, resulting in a broken nose.

Despite the urgency of the situation, when contacted, local police reported their inability to respond due to a lack of available vehicles. Buffel Sekuriteit, Rustenburg Rural Service, and Kroondal Farm Watch responded promptly to the incident.

Nols de Wet, a neighbour of the victim, recounted a chilling moment: “The victim overheard the suspects discussing whether to kill him. Fortunately, one assailant argued against it.” The attackers left with a television, cellphone, and all the contents of the victim’s fridge.

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