Crime & Accidents News
13 July 2018

Rustenburg – The Rustenburg police are following several leads in the investigation regarding a new-born baby found dumped in a dustbin at the taxi rank in Rustenburg on Monday 9 July.

Sergeant Ofentse Mokgadi told Platinum Weekly that the baby had unfortunately died after several attempts to resuscitate her.

A statement from the South African Community Crime Watch (SACCW)’s Rustenburg-branch states that commuters informed them of the baby.

“We immediately informed ER24 and the police who rushed to the scene. In the meantime, the initial first responder took the baby and kept her warm in a jacket from one of the employees of a business in the taxi rank. Emergency personnel did their best to save the little girl. The baby weighed about 600 grams,” the statement said.

SACCW thanked ER24, the police and Netcare911.

Emergency services who rushed to a scene where a new-born baby was found in a dustbin, could not save the baby despite attempts to resuscitate her.


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