Crime & Accidents News
20 April 2018

Brits – Pre-sentencing proceedings in the murder case of the then 3-year old Poppie van der Merwe shocked the country> The case has recently been postponed in the North Gauteng High Court to 24 May. The postponement of the case follows the rejection of the pre-sentencing report handed in court on Wednesday by the defense of Louisa Koekemoer, the biological mother of Poppie.

The compiler of the report who wished to remain anonymous declined to present it to Judge Bam. Judge Bam ruled that another report be compiled and handed to Koekemoer’s defense prior to the commencement of pre-sentencing at the next court date.

Murder accused Kobus Koekemoer, stepfather to Poppie and her biological mother Louisa Koekemoer, were arrested in connection with the girl’s tragic death in Brits last year. Poppie died on the way to a hospital in the area as a result of her injuries. 

The murder of Poppie is one of the most shocking cases involving the abuse and killing of children in South Africa. 


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