Crime & Accidents News
09 March 2018

Rustenburg –The new Community Police Forum (CPF) committee was elected on Wednesday, 7 March. Rustenburg needs strong leadership to fight against crime in partnership with the police.

The new board thanks everyone who were involved in the process, and a special thanks to the Police for their assistance as well as Eddie Leonard for the counting of the votes.

The newly elected executive members are:Tienie Bosman, chairman; Carlo Pasino, vice chairman; Annelize Germishuys, secretary; Heidi Bartle, deputy secretary; and Theo Hajialexandrou, treasurer.

The additional members are: Jean Keyser, Japie Mienie, Hennie Barnard, Willy Rossouwe, Promise Fukulana, and Geoffrey Segami. 

For additional information, contact Tienie Bosman on 083-625 3556.

The newly elected Rustenburg CPF executive members



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