Crime & Accidents News
09 February 2018

Rustenburg – Criminals operating in the Rustenburg area are using a new technique to target businesses, warns Fidelity ADT’s Rustenburg branch manager, Jean-Claude Viljoen.

“There have been eight incidents reported so far since November last year and in all these incidents criminals have broken a window and crawled along the floor to pass the motion sensors,” he says. 

The criminals are particularly targeting businesses in Kock and Beyers Naude Street. 

“They look for businesses with aluminium windows. They lift the closing arm on the window, open it and then crawl in on their stomachs avoiding the motion sensors. At this point it looks like they are operating in a group of three perpetrators.”

Viljoen says there are specific motion sensors available that can pick up movement of this kind and businesses should consider installing them. 

“Business owners need to be specific when enquiring about the motion sensors so the correct ones are installed,” he adds. It is also important to make use of an accredited and certified installer to ensure your alarm system and components are compliant.

He is encouraging business owners and employees, in general, to be alert and extra cautious at this time. “Please ensure that you lock all windows and doors, and set alarms and beams when leaving the premises. 

If possible reinforce window locks especially. Please make sure that you test your alarm regularly, we recommend at least once a month. Also, make sure that your security system is maintained regularly.

This will ensure that sensors, beams, fences and so on are working properly.”

“Please also report any suspicious individuals or activity that you notice to the police or a security provider. By working together we can stop these incidents,” he concludes. 

Fidelity ADT press release: 30 January

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