Crime & Accidents News
24 January 2018

Rustenburg – The community of Rustenburg is determined to make a change for the better. On Friday, 19 January, a march was organized by the Rustenburg Local Municipality (RLM) and AfriForum Neighbourhood watch.

The community converged on the school grounds of Rustenburg Noord and from there took to the streets. Showing unity in their stand against brothels, human and drug trafficking, people from all walks of life joined the march. 

The Department of Public Safety, AfriForum Neighbourhood Watch in Rustenburg, Community Policing Forum (CPF), Tlhabane Community Policing Forum, Unashamed Motorcycle Ministries, Rustenburg Pastors Forum and people from different churches and the public showed their support by marching in droves against the scourge that is threatening our town. 

Earlier the day, illegal properties believed to be havens of criminals were demolished and businesses that operate illegally were closed and demolished.

“This year we are pulling out all the stops! There will be an end to these activities in our town; we no longer have mercy for these criminal elements within our community. Statistics have shown that crime in Rustenburg has increased by 81.4% in recent years. These numbers are unacceptable, it is time to stand together, clean up our town and bring investors back. Enough is enough!” says executive mayor, councillor Mpho Khunou.

Says Johan de Klerk, head of safety, Rustenburg AfriForum Neighbourhood Watch, in support of the mayor: “We must all work together to clean up our community by getting more people to stand against such activities.

A united front… Executive mayor, councillor Mpho Khunou, flanked by community members, showing their willingness to put an end to crime.
Earlier that day, illegal properties believed to be havens of criminals were demolished and businesses that operate illegally were closed and demolished.
Unashamed Motorcycle Ministries leading the way against crime, doing their part to ensure a safer, drug free community.
In support of the mission to clean up our town, Johan de Klerk, head of safety, Rustenburg AfriForum Neighbourhood watch.
“We’ve had enough!” says executive mayor, councillor Mpho Khunou.
Jaco Linde of Unashamed Motorcycle Ministeries addressing the crowd.
Protesting the high incidence of crime in the Rustenburg.
A community banding together… People from all walks of life came together for the good of the community.


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